Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Why no, vertex is not a part of my life anymore

\ VUR-teks \  , noun;
1. The highest point of something; apex; summit; top: the vertex of a mountain .
2. Anatomy, Zoology . The crown or top of the head.
3. Craniometry . The highest point on the midsagittal plane of the skull or head viewed from the left side when the skull or head is in the Frankfurt horizontal.
4. Astronomy . A point in the celestial sphere toward which or from which the common motion of a group of stars is directed.
5. Geometry . A. The point farthest from the base: the vertex of a cone or of a pyramid. B. A point in a geometrical solid common to three or more sides. C. The intersection of two sides of a plane figure.
Basically, I was unable to use this word in conversation today because its connotation associates with math.  And I hate math.  A lot.
Sure, I tried to think of ways to casually use it as a highest point, "Oh yeah, just jump to the vertex of the door here", or, "What do you think the vertex is, in feet, of Lawrinson?"  But nothing I thought of really made much sense.  In addition, I now make garish attempts to avoid using math in everyday life.  My way of laughing in the face of the one subject that kept me from getting straight A's in high school.  Frack you, math.
Plus (haha, a math term) if you notice definition number three, it uses terms such as "midsagittal" and "skull", which reminds me all too much of last semester's anthropology class.  Not that I didn't enjoy it sometimes, but it was overall not a winner.  Quite like the Word of the Day today.

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